Welcome to Bethlehem!
We thank God that He has made Bethlehem Lutheran Church a place where anyone can receive His gifts of Word and Sacrament and can find fellowship with God’s family. It is the Gospel of Jesus that gives us hope in this life and we want to share that with you!
We uphold God’s gifts of:
- We believe the Bible to be the inerrant, written Word of God and the only rule and standard of faith and practice.
- We receive Grace as the free and undeserved gift of God through Christ Jesus. Grace is the only reason we are forgiven and given life and salvation.
- From a common faith in Christ, we have unity in mind, in what we teach, do, and say so that all people may know grace and truth in Jesus.
- God brings about His good will among us as he works through our roles and responsibilities at Bethlehem, in our families, and in our communities.
- We value and respect one another as children of God, demonstrating love in all things because He first loved us.
Please contact us:
Phone: 780-477-2894
Office email: bethlehemedmonton@gmail.com
Pastor Lyons’s email: pastor_lyons@yahoo.com
Website: bethlehemedmonton.lutheranchurchcanada.ca
Worship at Bethlehem
- Our service is found in our hymnal with the Order of Service near the front followed by the hymns. Our bulletin gives the pages of the service and hymns, as well as the scripture readings for the day.
- The Lord’s Supper is a gift from God that we want every baptised Christian to receive! Please prepare to come for the Lord’s Supper by first speaking to Pastor or one of the Elders as we ask that all those who receive communion at Bethlehem Lutheran Church understand and accept what we believe before receiving it. If you have not done this, we invite you to join the others who come forward and receive a blessing. Please place your hands over your heart instead of taking the bread and wine. Please speak to Pastor or an Elder so you can commune with us in the future.
- Let us get to know you and please come again. We invite you to speak to any of our members to learn more about this congregation, what we believe, and how we care for each other. Can we pray for you or help in some way? Let us know; we are glad you are here.
If you would like to have Pastor contact you or to give an offering today, the ushers have visitor envelopes that can be placed in an offering plate located at the back of the sanctuary. We no longer pass the collection plate during service.
Offerings may also be given through e-Transfer to bethlehemedmonton@gmail.com or through Canada Helps.